Frame for EquaBeam math balance directed activities

EquaBeam™ Strips

The EquaBeam math balance comes with three sets of plastic strips that fit in the channel on the back: one on time, one on measurement, and one that is blank. By placing the strips on time in the channel, the EquaBeam may be used with the tasks on pages 50-52. By doing so for the ones on measurement, it may be used with those on pages 72-74. By labeling the blank strips as shown for the other tasks on time and measurement and those on money and placing them in the channel, it may be used with the other tasks. Additional sets may be made on the backs of the given sets or on card stock.

The tasks are of two types: “facts” jobs and “problem” jobs. The facts jobs are for equivalences like 60 minutes equal 1 hour, 5 pennies equal 1 nickel, and 100 centimeters equal 1 meter and are ready to use. The problem jobs are for arithmetic word problems and are essentially blank. Arithmetic word problems suitable for the students who will be using the EquaBeam need to be added to the jobs.

Sources for arithmetic word problems for the EquaBeam are textbooks and Math Games & Activities, Vol. 2, Dale Seymour Publications, 1984. Simply modify the numbers in the problems to “fit” the EquaBeam. A really great source for problems is to have students write them.

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